Board Policies
4119.11 4219.11 4319.11 BP - Sexual Harassment
4119.11 4219.11 4319.11 BP - Sexual Harassment (Spanish)
4119.11 4219.11 4319.11 AR - Sexual Harassment
4119.11 4219.11 4319.11 AR - Sexual Harassment (Spanish)
4119.11 4219.11 4319.11 E - Sexual Harassment Form
4119.11 4219.11 4319.11 E - Sexual Harassment Form (Spanish)
Sexual Harassment (Employees) (BP/AR 4119.11 / 4219.11 / 4319.11)
Informal Complaint
An employee may file an informal complaint with his or her immediate supervisor, site administrator, or other district administrator.
Any such complaint against the Associate Superintendent, Human Resources should be directed to the Superintendent;
Any such complaint against the Superintendent should be directed to the President of the Board of Education.
An informal complaint must be initiated within thirty (30) working days from the time an employee knew or reasonably should have known of the alleged sexual harassment event or condition prompting the complaint.
The administrator designated by the Associate Superintendent, Human Resources will attempt to resolve the matter within thirty (30) days from receipt of the informal complaint.
Formal Written Complaint
Step – 1
If the complainant is not satisfied with the resolution of the informal complaint, the complainant may file a formal written complaint with the Associate Superintendent, Human Resources
Any such complaint against the Associate Superintendent, Human Resources should be directed to the Superintendent;
Any such complaint against the Superintendent should be directed to the President of the Board of Education.
The formal complaint must be filed within sixty (60) days of the time the informal attempt was made to settle the complaint.
The formal complaint should be on the District’s Sexual Harassment Complaint Form and contain all the following information known to the complainant:
The complainant’s name, address, work and home telephone numbers;
The name of the person or persons who committed the alleged sexual harassment act(s);
A description of the alleged sexual discriminatory act(s);
A specific description of the time, place, nature, participants in, and witnesses to the alleged sexual discriminatory act(s);
Other pertinent information which may assist the investigation and resolution of the complaint; and
The complainant’s suggested remedy for resolution of the complaint.
Step – 2
If the complaint is not resolved to the complainant’s satisfaction in Step 1, the complainant may appeal that resolution to the Associate Superintendent, Human Resources, using the following procedures:
The complainant must submit his/her written complaint to the Associate Superintendent, Human Resources within ten (10) working days of the complainant’s receipt of the Step 1 decision.
The Associate Superintendent, Human Resources/designee, the complainant, and the person who investigated the Step 1 complaint and prepared the written response to the complainant, will meet to discuss the complaint.
The Associate Superintendent, Human Resources/designee shall provide a written decision within ten (10) working days of this meeting. Copies of the decision shall be provided to all parties present at the meeting.
Appeal to the Board of Education
If the complainant is not satisfied with the decision of the Associate Superintendent, Human Resources/designee, he or she may file a written appeal with the Board of Education. This written appeal must be filed within fifteen (15) working days from the date of the Associate Superintendent Human Resources/designee’s written decision.
Consistent with the Board of Education’s agenda deadlines and open meeting law requirements, the Board of Education shall meet in closed session to consider the complainant’s appeal. At the next regularly scheduled Board meeting, the Board shall issue their decision.
Other Remedies
If the complainant is not satisfied with the Board’s decision, the complainant may file a complaint with an appropriate state or federal enforcement agency (e.g. State Department of Education, U.S. Department of Education, State Department of Fair Employment and Housing, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission). Civil law and grievance remedies may be available.