Softball (Girls)
2023-2024 Spring
Signups will take place the week of 3/4 - 3/8. More Information to come
During signups, student athletes will be REQUIRED to attend a pre-tryout meeting & will need to meet the following eligibility criteria:
Have a Completed Sports Physical
Completed a SportsNet Application
*Click HERE for the informational link to finish the application.
(link get to the register athlete page)
Have at or ABOVE a 2.0 GPA for the previous grading period
Have no more than 1 F or 1 U on their grade report for the previous grading period
(link get to the eligibility page)
The latest date that the SportsNet application & Sports Physicals will be accepted is by 3:30pm on 8/11/23
**For the 2023-2024 School year ALL athletes will need to sign up for ASES. Student athletes will get a packet the first day of practice to fill out with their parents and return. Failure to sign up for ASES & follow all rules associated with it will result in removal from the sports team. For questions on ASES please see this webpage or call (209) 652-1744. More information on this will be given at the first practice for each team.
Please see Coaches postings on Parent Square for Practice Schedule & Times
Game Schedule coming soon.
Game Times:
Typically games start at 3:45pm for 7th grade & 4:30pm for 8th grade but it isn’t a set time. We are tied by what happens with our busses so 7th grade starts when the opposing team (or us) shows up & is ready. 8th grade starts as soon as 7th grade is done. 7th grade can start as early as 3:25pm.
Home Game Entry Fee:
$3 - Students
$5 - Adults
Free - 5 & Under
*Cash ONLY
**Information on this page is subject to change once it is closer to the start of the season
**Please remember if you wish to take your child home AFTER an away game & your child rode the bus to the game, THIS FORM has to be submitted to our Athletic director 48 hours in advance in order to take your child home instead of them riding the bus. (Cut off would be 3:00pm 2 days before the away game)
We ask that all spectators, parents & players abide by the rules on this document: TMS Athletics Code of Conduct for Players, Coaches & Spectators